Hello! I ran the Lexus lace Up Riverside Reindeer Run – half marathon this weekend. Here’s the recap. If you’re searching for a discount for the next race – scroll down to the bottom of this post!
And I hope that makes Santa pleased enough to get me all the running gear of my dreams for Christmas! Let’s talk about the race… yeah?
I ran the half marathon and my mother ran the 5K.
There’s also a kid’s race – this is certainly a family friendly event!
I’ve done this race before so I knew the course and I knew it’s very festive! I love an excuse to dress up for a race so I was all about it! I was going to borrow a sparkle athletic skirt from my friend Kelly but I didn’t have time after all and last minute had to tape a few things together and hope for the best.
I purchased a dining chair cover from the 99 cent store to try and make it work as a skirt. I cut the top off and pinned it to stay around my waist. and I figured my running belt would help it stay on too.
It worked okay.
Half way through the race I all of a sudden felt like it was riding up in the back so I kept pulling at it and trying to re-adjust.
Well, that isn’t fun and it’s especially not fun to pull at your clothes when you’re trying to run 13.1 miles. At one point I was pulling it down because I thought it had bunched up in the back and realized – nope.
I just pulled it completely under my butt. Fantastic.
I messed with it a bit to try and just get it to ‘good enough’ (which is my motto) and tried to disregard it for the rest of the race. I considered just taking it off all together but figured that would be much more trouble.
Moral of the story: I need to get it together and not moon people during a race.
Now I’m on the naughty list.
And I wore my fancy new unsightly sweater Running shoes from Brooks!!
(Note: These are the Brooks Revel Running Shoes. holiday and special edition shoes may no longer be available.)
So numerous people dress up for this race! It’s very fun and festive!!
Lace Up Riverside half Marathon Race course Review
The lace Up Riverside half Marathon Race course and Recap:
It’s a fairly quiet course with a lot of it on a bike / pedestrian trail. I would love to run here for training runs.
There are a few steep hills that I walked. When running is slower than just walking up a hill – I walk.
Running Tip: combating up a hill can in some cases fatigue you much more than it’s worth. know yourself, your fitness and the course so you can plan when to walk and when to run.
The Lexus lace Up Race series is well organized and has a lot of perks for runners.
They were giving out Santa hats or Reindeer Antlers when you got your bib!
There are food trucks, fancy water and a good post-race party area. and – totally free race photos.
(That would be the best part if it wasn’t for the fact that I look like a sick kangaroo marching to its death in many of my pics.)
Let’s see all the impressions I do while trying to run…
Free Race photos from Riverside half Marathon Reindeer Run
Runner trying to speed walk:
Runner pretending to play the drums:
Marching in place during Zumba class warm-up:
Reminding myself to add “Gloves” to my Christmas wish List:
My impression of a depressed kangaroo with honey on their hands:
Runner auditioning for the marching band:
Or maybe I’m marching over to tell you that I really like this race series?!!
I feel like the lace Up Race series is put on my runners. By that I imply – organized and the perks are ones that runners really enjoy.
The fun, the food trucks, the post race party, and pics – all the perks are runner and family friendly things we really love.
Lexus lace Up Reindeer Run
Riverside half Marathon finish time: 1:50:32
I ran all 4 of the Lexus lace Up Races in the series =
Irvine Half, Ventura Half, Palos Verdes half and Riverside Half.
After the race I went to get a reward medal for completing all of them.
And someone at the booth said to check at the booth best next to it…
As a total surprise I got another medal for finished 7 races in the Cal half Series.
I didn’t even know that was a thing!!?! 하아!
So I was asking a ton of questions because I wasn’t familiar with them at all… It’s the California half and full Marathon series – they partner up with different races all around the state.
There are different levels of challenges – 4 races, 7 races, 10 races, 15 races and the most you can do 20 races!!
California half and full Marathon Series
And I really love the Riverside Run medal!
I feel like this would completely work as a Christmas ornament.
And the best part of the whole thing…
Santa’s there and the whole race is so festive and fun – it really gets me in the lil holiday spirit.
And that’s my last race of the year!!
Now I need to figure out what’s next! I want to start planning my race calendar for next year. I didn’t really올해 무엇이든 계획했는데 확실히 목표를 개선하거나 추격하지 않았기 때문에 나 자신에게 멍청이가되었습니다. 가장 중요한 것은 앞으로 재배치하고 미래를 위해 완료하는 것입니다.
레이스 업 리버 사이드 순록 런 하프 마라톤 및 5K 레이스 할인 코드
할인 코드 : Monica10
할인 코드 Monica10을 사용하여 레이스 업 레이스 시리즈 하프 마라톤, 전체, 10K 또는 5K 레이스에서 10%를 절약하십시오. 리버 사이드 홀리데이 레이스는 12 월 8 일입니다! 할인 쿠폰 코드 – 마지막 전화로 지금 등록하십시오!
* 레이스 할인 페이지에서 훨씬 더 많은 레이스 할인을 받으십시오 *
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