(Triple T ala Janae )
1. I had to go to work at noon today for a personal fitness instructor team meeting. My manager rocks as well as always brings snacks for us. snacks make meetings better. It’s science.
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Covid 19 항체 검사
나는 Covid19 항체 검사를 밟았다. Here’s exactly how it went as well as the results!
더 많은 비디오
5 분의 0 초, 19 초
5 분 달리기 워밍업 a
2. I dislike that I like trashy TV so much. I’m quite much consumed with genuine Housewives of Beverly Hills since of all the stuff that occurred with Taylor’s husband. I was not into this cast at all last season, however it’s all so messed up as well as unfortunate I keep watching. I assumption I’m messed up as well as unfortunate too… oh well.
(image source)
*Oh, as well as I never got to see the reunion from NJ – I believe I was out of town or something?! I’m still kicking myself.
3. I made salsa poultry in the crockpot as well as made burritos for dinner. At 4pm. I came house after work tired as well as hungry so I just went for it. I don’t understand what that means for the rest of the night.
I was speaking to one of my clients about her grandpa’s fudge as well as her grandma’s peanut brittle. Ben’s mom makes his preferred chocolate chip cookies as well as my mom makes amazing spaghetti. I don’t have a signature dish. I want a signature dish!
It should be dessert, right?!
Do you have a signature dish? 무엇입니까? What should be mine?
I’m a poor baker or I’d make the perfect chocolate chip cookie. No, those I can only eat not make ’em.
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